Frances Lindstrom and Robert Muffley (pictured) were married on June 2, 1937, in Galesburg. A newspaper stated, "Mrs. Frances Coad, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lindstrom, 808 East Main Street, and Robert P. Muffley of McCook, Neb., son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Muffley, 368 South Whitesboro Street, were married this morning at 9 a.m., in the home of the Rev. W. Harry Freda, 982 North Prairie Street, in the presence of the immediate families. The bride's sister, Mrs. Silas Weinberg, and the brother of the bridegroom, Kenneth Muffley, were attendants. The bride was dressed in blue and white accessories, and a shoulder bouquet of gardenias. Following the ceremonies the group went to the Hotel Custer, where a wedding breakfast was served. The couple left on the Burlington this morning at 10:30 for a 10-day trip to Chicago and points in Wisconsin. Mrs. Muffley was graduated from the Galesburg High School and Brown's Business College, and has been employed in the offices of the W.A. Jordan Company here. Mr. Muffley attended the Galesburg public schools and was graduated from the Wethersfield High School. He is employed as a brakeman by the Burlington, and is located in McCook, Neb. After July 1 the couple will be at home to friends at 506 West Fourth Street, McCook, Neb."
The wedding was not attended by Frances’ parents, her sister Edna, or her daughter Shirley, due to opposition to the wedding. Robert and Frances Muffley went to McCook after the honeymoon, and returned by train to Galesburg in August to fetch Shirley. Shirley had been living with her grandparents. Shirley’s departure from the home was hotly and physically contested by Emma & Edna Lindstrom. Additionally, Edna’s boyfriend Harry reportedly disliked Edna’s mean behavior, and ended their relationship.
So, it was on to McCook. Shirley did not know what to expect, except that she had no contact with her grandparents. She recalls living at the 506 West 4th St. location in McCook. She started 4th grade at Central School, and later went to East Ward School. The Robert Muffley family had moved into a duplex at 509 East 2nd Street. Bob’s Uncle Lee Jagger lived in the other half of the duplex. It was while living here that Bob began the building of a new home at 1006 West 3rd St. By then, Lee Jagger was on the conductors’ seniority list, but cousin Roy Weidenhamer chose to remain at the top of the brakemen’s list for the McCook division instead of moving to the bottom of the conductor’s list (with less choice of work assignments).