This blog narrative, shorn of many details and documentation, presents over three centuries of family history of my Muffley line. Our tale begins in Bern Canton Switzerland, and traces the Muffley migration to the New World. American locations of particular interest include southeastern Pennsylvania, western Pennsylvania, Illinois, Missouri, and southwestern Nebraska. My Muffley line is: Christian - Nicholas – Johannes – Jacob – Thomas – Joseph – Albert - Robert – Gary (me).
(pictured at left is Albert Muffley, age 14).


Maffli is the official spelling of the surname in the Swiss Book of Family Names (Familienbuches der Schweiz), which lists the Bernese Maffli primary ancestral home as Höfen-Amsoldingen bei Thun, and secondary ancestral homes of Oberdiessbach and Buchholterberg. The name form is typically Alemannic German, a patronymic, meaning son of Maff. Maff could be a nickname for Magafrid (personal communication from Elsdon C. Smith, book author and former head of the American Name Society). Magafrid would be a typical two-theme Germanic name. Maga- = Macht (strength, in modern German), plus –frid = Fried (peace).
There is a record that Christian and Barbara Maffli were the parents of our known ancestor Niclaus Maffli (Nicholas Muffley). This information was submitted to the Latter Day Saints Church ( by a member, with no other information. Until the Amsoldingen church records are transferred to the Bern Archives, and data placed for sale on CD-ROM, this cannot be confirmed, short of another visit to Höfen-Amsoldingen bei Thun. Christian Maffli was reportedly born on May 3, 1685, at Amsoldingen, Bern Canton, Switzerland. Barbara was born about 1686 at Amsoldingen. Christian and Barbara were reportedly married about 1707, and their son Niclaus Maffli was born in February, 1707/1708. Niclaus reportedly had a brother, Heinrich Jacob Maffli, born in 1715 at Amsoldingen. (pictured above is - McCreary-Muffley 4 generations)

Niclaus/Nicholas once lived (data found while I was in the Bern Archives) in Zweisimmen District, Bern Canton, Switzerland. Go here and Click on “Summer Panoramic Map” (which faces south) and slide to the right (west). Note the position of Zweisimmen, up the valleys from Lake Thun. Höfen-Amsoldingen bei Thun lies between Thun and Zweisimmen. At some point prior to his emigration, Niclaus Maffli moved out of the lower land by Lake Thun (Thunersee) to Zweisimmen in the Bernese Uplands (Oberland). It looks like in so doing, he moved from an area of High Alemannic dialect to an area of Highest Alemannic dialect. Maffli would have been pronounced Moofli in the south Bernese dialect, I was told by Swiss genealogist Franz Walter Kummer-Beck. I think that Niclaus probably lived in the Zweisimmen vicinity long enough that he assimilated the different pronunciation of his surname. Upon departure from Switzerland and arrival in America, our ancestor Niclaus Müffli used a “ü”, probably to fit the spelling in other regions to his pronunciation of his name. Modern Swiss cousins spell the name Mafli or Maffli, and I have corresponded with, and met in Basel, Maffli descendants of Höfen origin. Perhaps y-DNA testing could confirm the link of our Muffley line and any known Höfen-origin male Maffli.

In the course of three trips to Switzerland (1967, 1973, 1977), I visited the main Maffli ancestral village of Höfen-Amsoldingen bei Thun, west of Lake Thun in Bern Canton, a secondary Maffli ancestral village of Oberdiessbach, as well as Zweisimmen, and the Bern Archives. I interviewed Swiss genealogist Dr. Robert Oehler in his home, and he provided some Maffli names, the oldest being a Peter Maffli born in 1588 in Oberdiessbach.

“N. Muffli” (Bern Archives) listed Zweisimmen as his home when he paid the Swiss emigration tax, 1734-1735. The tax of 10% of his total worth (about 12 pounds) was not much money, so Niclaus was by no means wealthy then. Zweisimmen, in the south of Bern Canton, is not far from St. Stephan village; both are in the Upper Simmen Valley (Obersimmental). When Niclaus took ship from Rotterdam to Pennsylvania in 1737, a fellow passenger (next line on the roster) was Christian Jäggi, from St. Stephan. Christian became the father of Maria Barbara Yockey, who married our ancestor John/Johannes Muffly. It is not known if Nicholas & Christian knew each other in Switzerland, or met later. An hour or so at the Bern Archives would probably turn up Christian’s exit tax record, and I wouldn’t be surprised to find it in close proximity to that of Niclaus. It might also be the case that Niclaus and Christian were neighbors in the Obersimmental, but on opposite sides of a Gemeinden (municipalities) border.

There is a gap in time between when Nicholas paid his 1734-1735 “Abzug” emigration tax, and his taking ship from Rotterdam in 1737. Where was he, and how did he manage to accumulate money for onward travel? When he arrived in America, on Oct. 31, 1737, his ship “William” was said to be carrying of a group of Palatines. However, experts have noted that the term “Palatines” was used carelessly, and included other Germanic groups. Some of Nicholas’ shipmates in fact came from Baden-Würtemberg, especially from southeast of Heidelberg. It is noteworthy that when, or shortly before, Nicholas left Switzerland, the Rhineland was in a bit of turmoil due to the War of Polish Succession. The French had overrun the Rhineland in 1734. It was no doubt an interesting time to be headed down the Rhine. I wonder if Niclaus might have been more comfortable stopping awhile before he left Alemannic dialect territory, say in Alsace or Baden.

Niclaus & Christian sailed from Rotterdam, Netherlands, aboard the ship “William”. The ship’s master was John Carter, and there were 180 passengers. There was a stop at Dover, England (the British required such a stop en route to their colonies). The ship arrived at Germantown (Philadelphia) on Oct. 31, 1737, and Niclaus took an oath at Philadelphia courthouse that day. “Niclaus Müfli” was his signature in early America, and by 1752 it was “Nicholas Muffly”.

(11/08 update)

It now appears ( that Muffley ancestry can be traced back to Christian and Magdalena Juzeler Maffli, paternal grandparents of Niclaus Maffli (b. Feb. 1707/1708). Christian Maffli Sr. was reportedly born about 1655 at Amsoldingen, Bern Canton, Switzerland. Magdalena Juzeler was reportedly born at the same location about 1657. Christian & Magdalena were married on November 4, 1678. Their children reportedly were: Peter, Anna, Elizabeth, Magdalena, Christian Jr. (father of Niclaus), Hans, and another Magdalena (presumably the first had died).

Thus, my Y-Chromosome SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) marker presumably is identical to that of my 7th Great-Grandfather Christian Maffli Sr., born about 1655, i.e. 288 years before my birth. It is possible to gather some information stretching back much further in time on the male line.

A SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) is a change to a single nucleotide in a DNA sequence. The mutation rate is extremely low over the millennia, so that this genetic information can be used as an aid to understanding human history. Each mutation point defines a new Haplogroup, and these suggest geographical points of origin of male ancestors. In the Swiss population are found at least 7 common male Haplogroups, so far as I understand, including E3b, G, G2, J, I1b2, R1a1, & R1b.

I have had a simple kind of SNP testing done. My Haplogroup was determined to be R1b1c. This marker has its highest concentration in the Irish and Basque peoples, but is widespread throughout Western Europe.

The M269 genetic marker defining R1b1c may have originated in central Asia, and was widespread in Europe throughout Paleolithic times. Men with this genetic marker are believed to have been associated with the Aurignacian Culture (say, ±32,000-21,000 B.C.?) of the Upper Paleolithic Age. These people were the cave painters of southern France, Spain, and Portugal. There were advances in flint tools. Hunting points were from antler, bone, and ivory. There were no atlatl spear-throwing sticks, or bows and arrows. There was body ornamentation. Concentrations of the culture were in several locations surrounding Switzerland, but not so much within modern Switzerland itself.

During the last Ice Age (=Last Glacial Maximum), men of the R1b1c Haplogroup are believed to have withdrawn to the Iberian Peninsula (one of the Ice Age “Refugia”), and then to have repopulated Europe beginning about 15,000 years ago.

Further genetic subclade testing of myself might be helpful. Reportedly, R1b1c10 (Continental Celt, probably of the Helvetii Tribe) is common in Switzerland. Pending further genetic testing, my Deep SNP subclade is likely either R1b1c10 (Continental Celt), or R1b1c9 (likely the Alamanni/Alemanni, a Germanic group which came later into Switzerland). (see now my recent 9/09 Genetic testing Update!)

Switzerland has sites of both Hallstatt and La Tène Celtic culture. The Helvetii Celts reportedly moved from southern Germany into Switzerland by the late 2nd Century B.C., pushed south by Germanic groups. The Helvetii were settled on the Swiss plateau in the 1st Century B.C., and were mentioned in Julius Caesar’s “Commentary on the Gallic War”. A bit of Helvetii history is at The Helvetii eventually came under Rome’s rule. Maffli ancestral homes in the Aare River Valley were centuries earlier settled with Celts.

Later during Roman times, the Alamanni Germans moved into Switzerland from the north. Well after the fall of the Roman Empire, Alemannia came under Frankish rule, and later under Habsburg rule. The Habsburg family’s power had actually begun with Radbot of Habsburg, who about 1020 built a castle of that name in northern Switzerland.

Switzerland’s traditional founding occurred in 1291 with the confederation of the Cantons Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden. Bern Canton and others joined the confederation in 1353. Maffli traditional homes in the Aare Valley of Bern Canton came under the rule of the Zähringen and Kyburg dynasties. Thun Castle (Zähringen and Kyburg families) and Spiez Castle are fairly close to the main Maffli ancestral home of Höfen-Amsoldingen bei Thun. In time, patrician families became more autocratic. The Swiss Peasants’ War of 1653 occurred two years before the birth of Christian Maffli Sr., and did involve Bern Canton. This was only a few years (since 1648) after Switzerland became totally independent from the Holy Roman Empire.

In the time of Maffli-surname (at least back to the 1500s), people in the Aare River Valley spoke a High Alemannic dialect. Niclaus Maffli moved from his birthplace at Amsoldingen, near Lake Thun, to Zweisimmen, an area of Highest Alemannic dialect. In the latter dialect, Maffli was pronounced “Moofli” and so the spelling upon migration to America in 1737 found the “a” changed to “u”: Muffley.


Niclaus Mufly and Christian Jäggi/Yockey arrived together in America on Halloween, 1737, and had come from neighboring villages in the Upper Simmen Valley (Obersimmental) in the Bernese Uplands. One wonders if they had left Switzerland together. Apparently not. A recent check at the Bern Archives found Niclaus’ emigration tax record, but not Christian’s for around the same time period. Christian probably came from the village of Saanen, near St. Stephan. An alternate spelling of the surname is reportedly Gaggi. This was from the departure tax books in the archives at Bern. My distant cousin Marilyn, onetime correspondent of my father, traveled to Switzerland in the spring of 2014. She sent me many good photos of ancestral locations, including Niclaus’ residential village of Zweisimmen, plus Maffli ancestral home villages of Amsoldingen, Oberdiessbach, and Buchholterberg. Also, there were photos of St. Stephan, where pertinent Jäggi/Gaggi records might still exist.

Niclaus Maffli was born in 1707 at Höfen-Amsoldingen bei Thun, the primary Maffli ancestral home. The church at Amsoldingen is the collegiate church of St. Mauritius. Next to the church is the Amsoldingen “castle”, now more of a manor house following reconstruction. When Niclaus was young, the castle was occupied by Samuel Bodmer, an engineer who developed flood control measures in the area. Next to Amsoldingen are the lakes Amsoldingersee and Uebeschisee.

My own trip to Höfen-Amsoldingen bei Thun many years ago unfortunately did not include the interior of the church at Amsoldingen. The church & adjacent castle were reportedly built with stone from Aventicum, the capital of Roman Switzerland. The church is described as an Ottonian basilica. The Ottonians were a dynasty of German kings, 919-1024.  So, when Niclaus attended this church 3 centuries ago, the church was 7 centuries old.

I have not yet visited St. Stephan, which I did not know about while on my Swiss voyages of the late 1960s and 1970s. The St. Stephan village church, surely attended by our Jäggi ancestors, was begun in the early medieval times, with tower and choir from the 800s. The church was most recently expanded in the 1400s. At one time this church was affiliated with the church at nearby Zweisimmen, and then was under Interlaken Abbey from 1335. Bern Canton officially adopted the Protestant Reformation in 1528, a move which was resisted in the Bernese Oberland. This was about a century and a half before the probable birth of ancestor Christian Jäggi Sr., and it is unknown whether his ancestors were then in the vicinity of St. Stephan. In the early Jäggi days near St. Stephan, the economy was largely agricultural. Cattle were located on the valley floor and in seasonal alpine herding camps. Christian Jäggi Sr. was reportedly born about 1680-1685, and lived in the time of the Old Swiss Confederacy. 

Secondary Maffli ancestral villages of Oberdiessbach and Buchholterberg were also visited by Marilyn. Early Maffli persons at Oberdiessbach may have come under the influence of the Von Wattenwyl family, who had a chapel in the church (current building from 1498). The adjacent parish of Buchholterberg was also a Maffli ancestral village. Today in Switzerland the Maffli surname is spelled Mafli, and some distant kin may be among the several Swiss Mafli entries on Facebook. A line of American Maffly from Valais/Wallis Canton could be tested via yDNA to look for common ancestry. 

Photos at top: Village of St. Stephan, Oberdiessbach,
Bottom photos: Buchholterberg, Amsoldingen Church and Castle
photo credit: Marilyn Wagner Bernstein

Niclaus Muffley’s son Johannes married Christian Jäggi’s daughter Maria Barbara Yockey in Pennsylvania. In 1774, Johannes/John signed the Ft. Allen Petition of Westmoreland CountyPennsylvania. This was one of several petitions asking Governor Penn for greater protection against Indian raids. Other signers of the Ft. Allen Petition included Peter Wannemacher (brother of Regina Wannemacher Muffly), Peter’s son-in-law Philip Klingensmith, and Balthazar Meyer.  Brian, an adoptee & recently discovered autosomal DNA cousin of Gary Muffley, reportedly is a descendant of Philip Klingensmith, his Wannemacher wife, and also a Meyer woman who could be kin of Balthazar Meyer. It is noteworthy that that we do not yet know the surname of Elizabeth, wife of Johannes’ son Jacob. Was she a Klingensmith, Wannemacher, or Meyer? Jacob (b. 1784) and his wife were 3rd great-grandparents of Gary. The autosomal DNA (atDNA) chromosomal shared segment with Brian lies mostly on Chromosome 14, and the total of shared segments is 48.33 centiMorgans. So, the link is substantial, and hopefully is a connection researchable in documents &/or with further DNA analyses. This data may be found at under ID # F170106 for Gary. Brian is under ID # M220416 at GEDmatch.

The Johannes Muffly family may have lived in the vicinity of Muffley Hollow Road, shown at  Muffley Hollow Road intersects with Carnahan Road. Near here was the site of Adam Carnahan’s Blockhouse. Adam’s brother John was killed at the blockhouse in an Indian skirmish in 1777. There was at least one Muffley-Carnahan intermarriage.

By the way, our Johannes Muffly and wife Maria Barbara Yockey of Westmoreland Pennsylvania had a nephew & niece, respectively: John Muffley and his wife Maria Barbara Yockey. This had led to confusion in reported genealogies, and mistakes which defy attempts to correct. The younger couple reportedly never left southeast Pennsylvania. The younger John Muffley, still single, appeared in church records in southeast Pennsylvania at a time when his uncle Johannes (our ancestor) was married and living in southwest Pennsylvania.

Gary’s atDNA appears to have remnants from 5th great-grandfather Christian Jäggi/Yockey (b. 1720) &/or his wife Maria Catharina Christ. Christian & Catharina were the Most Recent Common Ancestors for Gary & new atDNA cousin Don of Kittanning Pennsylvania. The total of shared chromosomal segments is 28.77 centiMorgans, with the largest shared segment lying on Chromosome 10 at 17.26 cM. So, it might be possible that Gary also has a bit of detectible atDNA from Niclaus Muffley too. Niclaus was one of 128 ancestors at the level of 5th great-grandparents. Don’s ancestor Margaret Whitaker (b. 1816) was a daughter of Martin Whitaker and the wife of Samuel Loyd. I have from Don a seating chart for St. James Church, 1838-1839. On this chart Martin Whitaker and his son-in-law Samuel Loyd have adjacent seats. The chart has several familiar names, some of which figure in the ancestry of Muffley cousin Becky. One listing is William Muffley, brother of my 3rd great-grandfather Jacob Muffley (1784-1844).  Margaret Whitaker Loyd’s maternal grandfather was Peter Yockey, brother of our Maria Barbara Yockey Muffly. St. James Church had previously been known as Yockey’s Meeting House, so the 1838-1839 seating chart naturally shows several Yockey people.

The seating chart also lists the surname Wolford. John Frederick Yockey (b. 1775), grandson of Christian & Catharina, married Elizabeth Wolford. John’s & Elizabeth’s grandson was Corporal Daniel Yockey (b. 1833). Daniel was in Company B of the 139th Pennsylvania Infantry during the Civil War. His regiment participated in a large number of battles, including Gettysburg. At Gettysburg, July 1863, his regiment was in the 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, XI Corps of the Army of the Potomac. The XI Corps was called the “German Corps” because of so many German speakers. The XI Corps was also associated with Robert Cumming Schenck, of Dutch ancestry, and thus perhaps my kinsman.  See our Dutch Ancestry Blog at  Also at the Battle of Gettysburg were some Muffley kin, and Watson Augustus Donald. See the Donald Blog at 

Daniel Yockey and his family migrated from Pennsylvania by wagon to Washington State. In 1890 he arrived at Douglas County, and cultivated timber southeast of Dyer. His grave is in the Wenatchee City CemeteryChelan CountyWashington. Find A Grave Memorial # 2238668.  

When our ancestor Christian Yockey left Switzerland, he probably migrated via the Pfalz region of Germany prior to arriving in America from Rotterdam in 1737. In 1837 in the Pfalz there was born Jacob Yockey, who migrated to Ohio. I suspect that Christian left Switzerland with Yockey kin who remained in the Pfalz/Palatinate near the Rhine River. Jacob Yockey’s ancestry is thought, but not yet proven, to stem fromSwitzerland, according to researchers of this line. Autosomal DNA testing may clarify probable connections, and such testing is in progress right now.

For some time now, we have had 67 STR (Short Tandem Repeats) markers yDNA data from Richard, who is this descendant of Peter Muffly Sr. (b. 1739): ID P5N2S at  Matches to this sample in the Y-Search database have so far been very distant and unhelpful for genealogical research. We now also have 67 STR markers yDNA data from myself, Gary Muffley. I descend from Peter’s brother Johannes. So, the Most Recent Common Ancestor for me and Richard, the donor of Y-Search sample P5N2S, was immigrating ancestor Niclaus, our 5th great-grandfather. Richard and Gary match on 62 of 67 STR markers. This data confirms that there were no Non-Paternity Events down the 2 lines from Niclaus to Richard and myself. We have a good approximation of Niclaus’ yDNA 67 markers STR pattern. Niclaus would indeed have carried the R1b yDNA marker S21+/U106+, perhaps brought into the Maffli part of the Aare River Valley by the Alemanni tribe.

Gary’s 67 STR yDNA markers results may be viewed under ID T7ND3 at and under Kit # 170106 at

I wish to take exception to the statement about the origin of Muffley as “Americanized form of South German Muffele, nickname for a surly person, from a diminutive of Muff”. Taken from a dictionary of American family names. This is exactly the kind of approach rightly criticized in the book “Surnames, DNA, and Family History”, by Redmonds, King, and Hey. A multidisciplinary approach to surnames is what is needed, not limited to the traditional surnames-philologist approach. Know the family history, and the DNA if possible. Did the person(s) who came up with this explanation even know of the existence of the Alemanni Swiss surname Maffli, present in that exact spelling from the 1500s in the Aare River Valley? Or refer to the Swiss Family Name Book? I think not. We have a continuous line of evidence from the Swiss Maffli to American Muffley. Niclaus was born Maffli, but the “a” was pronounced “oo” in the Highest Alemannic dialect, so the spelling got altered even prior to arrival in America. One of the earliest Muffley histories reported that Niclaus himself said that he was Swiss. Years ago, I contacted the president of the American Name Society about the Swiss Maffli surname, which was new to him. His guess was that the nickname Maff may have derived from something like Magafrid. A typical Germanic two-theme name, corresponding to Macht (strength) plus Fried (peace). Maffli would have been a son of Maff, in the patronymic pattern typical of Germanic Switzerland.  What else does have to say about the surname Muffele? One Gillis Van Muffele (a Low Countries place) arrived in 1676 in Batavia, traveling from the Netherlands with the Dutch East India ship “Prins Willem Hendrik”. German or Swiss? I think not. A bit more care in surname interpretation would be nice, lest a person become surly.


It has long been suspected that Gary’s 5th great-grandfather Edward Doughty (b. 1738) was kin to Doughty of Upstate South Carolina. Jeremiah Doughty (b. May 14, 1777, Pendleton District SC) was the ancestor of an autosomal DNA match with Gary: A shared segment on Chromosome 16 of 14.65 centiMorgans in the Family Tree DNA database. Another descendant of this Jeremiah Doughty has an yDNA match with documented descendants of Samuel Doty (b. 1643), son of Edward Doty who arrived in 1620 in the Plymouth Colony via the Mayflower. See the Doty/Doughty yDNA Project at Doughty’s father was Joseph Doughty (b. 1755): The yDNA findings for this group are under “Descendants of Joseph Doughty Sr. of South Carolina”.  Haplogroup R1b & positive on SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) marker Z255. 
Gary has several other atDNA matches with descendants of Mayflower Edward Doty. Here are the kids of his son Samuel Doty Sr. (b. 1643): Samuel Doty Jr. (b. 1679) might have been the ancestor of both Gary’s Edward Doughty (b. 1738) & of Jeremiah Doty (b. 1777, Pendleton District S.C.). The Most Recent Common Ancestor for Gary versus descendants of Jeremiah Doughty possibly is more recent than the MRCA for Gary versus other atDNA matches, where the MRCA appears to be Samuel Doty Sr. (b. 1643), & perhaps even Mayflower immigrant Edward Doty himself. 
 James Doty (b. 1686), son of Samuel Sr., was the reported ancestor of sailorio32 at, where the atDNA match with Gary is 7.8 cM. Daniel Doty (b. 1701/02), another son of Samuel Sr., was the reported ancestor of csmk51 at, where the atDNA match with Gary is 7.4 cM. There are more matches, including people who reportedly descend from brothers of Samuel Doty Sr. (b. 1643). 
Other descendants of Samuel Doty Sr. (b. 1643) went to the Tenmile Country of the Upper Monongahela River in southwest Pennsylvania, onetime home of my Edward Doughty (b. 1738). Joseph Doty (b. 1696), son of Samuel Sr., was the ancestor of Anthony Doty, whose descendant Tom is Kit # 89355 in the Doty/Doughty yDNA Project, Edward-Samuel-Joseph yDNA group. A write-up about Anthony Doty (d. 1815) appears on Page 113 of “The Tenmile Country And Its Pioneer Families”, by Leckey. 
Enoch Enoch (b. 1750) was thought to have married Mary Doughty, who may have been a sister or cousin of my Edward Doughty (b. 1738). Enoch Enoch appears on Page 52 of the Leckey book. Enoch Enoch also appears from Page 123, Chapter 3, of Harry J. Enoch’s “Historical Records of the Enoch Family in Virginia and Pennsylvania”. Enoch Enoch was on Tenmile Creek by 1766. Later he sold his land interest to my Edward Doughty. Doughty’s land, called “Pigeon’s Resort”, was on the west bank of the Monongahela River at Pumpkin Run, formerly called Enoch’s Run. Pumpkin Run enters the Monongahela just upstream from the mouth of Tenmile Creek. After the death of our Edward Doughty, his son-in-law Abijah McClain bought the land rights from Edward’s descendants & laid out lots which form part of the current village of Rice’s Landing in Greene County Pennsylvania. Permelia Doughty McClain (wife of Abijah) was a sister of my Mary Doughty McCreary (great-grandmother of Emma Jane McCreary Muffley), & Permelia appears in a number of online family trees. Enoch Enoch appears in the Maxwell tree by cgoodmax who has a 6.1 centiMorgans atDNA match with Gary in the AncestryDNA database, although this tree lists neither Doty nor Doughty ancestry. Enoch Enoch was not the ancestor of the Maxwell tree home person. 
Edward Doty (b. 1685), son of Samuel Sr., was the ancestor of Catherine Doty Van Voorhees (b. 1754). Catherine appears in our Muffley tree at:  Her husband Abraham Van Voorhees was known kin to Gary via Van Voorhees ancestry. Our Edward Doughty (b. 1738) arrived in Tenmile Country of southwest Pennsylvania quite early; his probable kinswoman Catherine & her husband Abraham apparently arrived after the Revolutionary War. 

At Gary’s Kits are A693287 (AncestryDNA) & T203534 (Family Tree DNA). Hopefully, Doty/Doughty atDNA kin will accumulate at GEDmatch over time. 


Sarah Elizabeth “Sadie” Muffley Lentz (sister of Joe Muffley) was my (Gary’s) 2nd great aunt. Sadie’s husband was William Henry Lentz. In 1891, Henry’s first wife Mary Margaret “Maggie” Wiester Lentz had passed away, & Henry then married Sadie. I presume that it was known to these people that Maggie & Sadie were Wiester cousins, but that bit of family history did not make its way to me. Now we find that Chuck2642, a descendant of Henry & Maggie, is an autosomal DNA match to me in the AncestryDNA database. Chuck’s closer cousin Bobbi was already my correspondent, but we had not realized that Bobbi & I are actual biological kin. Bobbi’s Lentz tree at is under bberic. But wait, there’s more.

Maggie was my 1st cousin 4 times removed. Her reported (by Chuck) father Joseph Wiester (b. 1823) was a brother of Sarah Ann Weister/Wiester (b. 1800) who married our Jacob Wilhelm. Sarah’s identity was long sought & finally suspected even prior to the DNA results. Sarah & Joseph were reportedly among the several kids of Rudolph Wiester (b. 1772) & Susanna Fisher. Sarah’s & Joseph’s brother Rudolph Weister Jr. (b. 1814) was an ancestor of more atDNA matches to Gary in the AncestryDNA database. Their brother John Weister (b. 1797 or 1798) appears to have been the ancestor of my atDNA match Margaret/Maggie George: Maggie’s ancestor Sarah Wilhelm Weister (b. 1826) would have been a niece of our Sarah Ann Wiester Wilhelm (b. 1800) & would have been a contemporary cousin of our Julianna Wilhelm Muffley (b. 1820) & of Julianna’s brother Adam Biddle Wilhelm (b 1831).

At Rudolph Wiester Sr. descendant A044554 has a Chromosome 6 shared segment of 20.8 centiMorgans with Gary’s 3rd cousin Bill T826229. Bill’s & Gary’s Most Recent Common Ancestors were Thomas Muffley & Julianna Wilhelm (daughter of Sarah Ann Wiester).

Julianna’ brother Adam Biddle Wilhelm was an ancestor of Gary’s & Bill’s cousin Joyce. At AncestryDNA, Joyce & Gary have shared atDNA segments at 4 chromosomal locations (total of 37 centiMorgans), some of which must be Wiester genes. Joyce & Gary both match Donnanewton2cu who descends from Rudolph Wiester Jr. via son Samuel (b. 1843) & his son George Alfred Weister/Wiester (b. 1875). Additionally, Rudolph Wiester Sr. may have had a sister Elizabeth, one of whose reported descendants is also an atDNA match with Gary.

Julianna Wilhelm (daughter of Sarah Ann Wiester & Jacob Wilhelm) was born Nov. 18, 1820. Her 1849 marriage with Thomas Muffley happened at Poke Run Presbyterian Church, Washington Township, Westmoreland County Pennsylvania. The Poke Run vicinity was the scene of a lot of Muffley, Wilhelm, & Wiester activity. Poke Run is near the Wiester Cemetery & Wiester Crossroads. The current Wiester community lies on Route 286, west of the intersection with Route 66, just southwest of Poke Run, which is in turn southwest of current Muffley Hollow in Bell Township. There are several Weister & Wiester burials in the Poke Run Church Cemetery. Our Muffley Cousin Becky attended Poke Run growing up, & is familiar with the Weister/Wiester surname. Becky’s ancestor Israel Muffley (b. 1824) was a brother of our Thomas Muffley (b. 1821) who married Julianna Wilhelm.

At Find A there is a burial of some W. J. Wiester (b. 1854; d. 1920) at nearby Pine Run German Reformed Church. Memorial # 122604418. On that web page, there is a church (built 1875) photo by Alan Saltsman, with whom I have corresponded about grave photographs. Alan’s list of Pine Run burials: Note the Weister, Muffley & Yockey listings. An 1861 Pine Run Church founder was
Elizabeth Muffley (1784-1875), widow of Jacob Muffley (1784-1844). My 3rd great-grandparents. The Pine Run Church core members had come west from Yockey’s Schoolhouse meeting house. Elizabeth was the mother-in-law of Julianna Wilhelm Muffley. The quest to find the maiden name & ancestry of Elizabeth continues, & it looks like DNA will be the only solid route forward. We have a short list of possible surnames. This church is near Apollo Penn., one of the places visited many years ago by my father Robert Muffley. There are 9 Muffley burials listed online for Pine Run. Including Rebecca Thompson Muffley (1834-1909), 2nd great-grandmother of my Muffley Cousin Rebecca “Becky”. When younger, Becky was on a scavenger hunt & first encountered the grave of her ancestor with the same first name. Memorable.

In the 1820 census, a group of Wiester households appears on the same Westmoreland County Penn. page as Isaac Muffley, & some familiar Yockey, Ringle, & Carnahan people. From the work “Westmoreland in 1825” (tax records) we know that Washington Township was the location of several known Muffley (including our Jacob, plus brothers Isaac, Joseph, & William) households. Adjacent to the east is Bell Township, scene of more Muffley, Yockey, & kin activity.

Fast-forward to Quincy, Illinois, 1870-1890. Wiester-descendant Adam Biddle Wilhelm (ancestor of Cousin Joyce) was a saddler & harness dealer, at Welton & Wilhelm. For a time, Adam’s nephew Franklin Biddle Muffley (ancestor of Cousin Bill) was a harness-maker, e.g. in 1873 while living with his mother Julianna. “Biddle”/Frank’s brother Joe Muffley (my 1st great-grandpa) was a harness maker for all of his working life, & attributed his longevity to avoidance of “bumming around”. Sound advice? I wonder what he meant. Henry Lentz (future husband of Sadie Muffley) was in those days a harness maker, had married Maggie Wiester in Quincy on November 3, 1869, & somehow knew Maggie’s cousin (1st, once removed) Sadie. In 1880, the Henry & Maggie Wiester Lentz family lived in Liberty Township, southeast of Quincy in Adams Co. Ill. Cousin Sadie Muffley, age 23 in 1880, lived with her mother Julia, & sibs Joe & Will (bookbinder who eventually worked & lived in D.C.). After 1880, the Lentz family had moved on, eventually (by 1884?) to Halstead Kansas. In 1890, Sadie was a seamstress & living with her mother Julia at the rear of 518 Vermont, Quincy. Maggie Wiester Lentz died in February 1891. Henry & Sadie married in Quincy, October 11, 1892. Contrary to some online trees, Sadie & Henry had only 1 child: Harold Leland Lentz. Kids of Henry’s 1st wife Maggie lived with Sadie & Henry, so census returns might give the wrong impression as to their mother. A photo of Sadie’s & Henry’s home in Halstead appears in the photo album of Emma Jane McCreary Muffley, wife of Joe & sister-in-law of Sadie. I have visited Halstead Kansas & have viewed the exterior of their home.

For those with access, find my Muffley tree under GaryMuffley62. My autosomal DNA findings at appear under kits A693287 & T203534. Check my GEDmatch kits for my e-mail address. I have several atDNA matches in various databases with people having Muffley, Yockey, & Wiester ancestries. Still working on Wilhelm. Is there a Biddle ancestry?

It is doubtful that this Wiester ancestry discovery would have even been possible without the assist of DNA: To have been never more than a suspicion until the convincing convergences of atDNA connections which we have seen so far. A work in progress. Sending all Wiester-of-Westmoreland atDNA raw data to GEDmatch (free; easily done in minutes) would be a big help to this research.


In the AncestryDNA database, Gary has autosomal DNA (atDNA) shared segments with J.M., a descendant of Lebbens/Lebbeus Muffley, called “Lebbeus” in this blog’s section on Muffley of Wisconsin & on his tombstone. He was called “Lebbens” in other documents. J.M. & Gary have 17.1 centiMorgans total of shared segments at 2 chromosomal locations. By chance, Dr. Mark Paul Muffley, grandson of Lebbeus, reportedly lived in Lincoln Nebraska when Gary arrived there in 1961 to attend the University of Nebraska. I have a faint memory of hearing this. Lebbeus Muffley (b. 1837) was my 1st cousin, 4 times removed. The Most Recent Common Ancestors (MRCAs) for me & my descendants versus descendants of Lebbeus were Johannes (son of Niclaus) & Maria Barbara Yockey Muffley. At Lebbeus’ Memorial# is 62836261. At one time he was a hotel keeper in Boscobel Wisconsin, & also was a fruit grower at the time of another census.

Our Muffley cousin Don Anderson, now deceased, descended from John R. Muffley (b. 1824), who was a brother of Lebbeus. Don had a collection of Muffley memorabilia which was in danger of vanishing upon his death. Hopefully, something was saved.  A photo of Lebbeus was part of that collection. Lebbeus was a first cousin to Thomas Muffley (b. 1821), who was the father of our Joe Muffley, Franklin Biddle Muffley, Sadie Muffley Lentz, Will Muffley of D.C., & 2 who died young.

Johannes (son of Niclaus) & Maria Barbara Yockey Muffley were also the MRCAs for me versus my atDNA match at AncestryDNA “Keaters4”. My atDNA shared segment (Muffley or Yockey??) with Keaters4 is only 9.9 cM, & he does not show up as my joint match with J.M. Johannes’ & Maria’s son John “Jacob” Muffley (b. 1784) was my ancestor. Jacob’s brother Joseph (b. 1797), “The Teacher”, was the ancestor of atDNA match J.M. Their brother Wilhelm/William (b. 1789) was the ancestor of Keaters4.

The surname of Jacob Muffley’s wife Elissabetha/Elizabeth has long eluded us, & atDNA searches have not yet revealed anything conclusive. Their son Thomas Muffley (b. 1821) & his wife Julianna Wilhelm were the MRCAs for me versus Cousin Bill Clarkson. We have small shared chromosomal segments in the Family Tree DNA database.

Also at AncestryDNA, I have atDNA matches under the alternate spelling “Muffly”. Cousin “K.K.” by kovelant has with me 11.9 cM shared segment, & kovelant herself has with me 10.2 cM. In the Hunter Family Tree by kovelant, ancestry is traced back to Catherine Muffly (1803-1860) who married Joseph Schmidt. Catherine reportedly died in Northampton County Pennsylvania at a time when my closer kin were in Western Pennsylvania. Thus, the MRCA might be more remote, possibly back to Niclaus Maffli (b. 1707, Switzerland) & his unknown wife (reportedly Wyant).  One more generation back from atDNA cousins via MRCAs Johannes & Maria.

I also have at AncestryDNA some atDNA cousins via the surname Yockey, including Keaters4. The whole Muffley & Yockey atDNA cousins’ picture would be greatly clarified if several Muffley & Yockey descendants would send (quickly & easily done, without cost) their raw autosomal DNA data from testing lab databases to  My kits at GEDmatch are T203534 (FTDNA) & A693287 (AncestryDNA). GEDmatch has several sophisticated data analyses tools. My atDNA cousins who chose to do this may contact me at my e-mail address appearing at GEDmatch, & I will help with data analysis.

In the AncestryDNA database, K.L. by dogl1958 has with me a total of 20.3 cM shared segments on 2 chromosomes. Unfortunately, we are not given the crucial chromosomal location data by the lab, which choses to be unnecessarily unhelpful. In the Lloyd tree, K.L. descends from Peter Yockey (b. 1760), brother of my ancestor Maria Barbara Yockey Muffley. Thus, the MRCAs for me & K.L. would have been Christian Yockey (b. 1720) & wife Maria Catharina Christ. Recall that Christian Yockey & Niclaus Maffli/Muffley were shipmates, arriving in 1737 in America. Fortunately, the Lloyd atDNA testing also appears at Family Tree DNA, where we see that Don has with me on Chromosome 10 17.26 cM of shared segment. Also at GEDmatch, Don’s Kit A626478 shows the Chromosome 10 match with my Kit # A693287. 

At AncestryDNA, paphrag by tpw1986 has with me 15.9 cM of shared segment. The Walker tree shows ancestry back to Magdalena Yockey Stoehr (1811-1844). However, the tree Home Person also has in common with me Van Ness & Van Voorhees ancestries. Which of these ancestries account for the atDNA match? We need to know the chromosomal locations & triangulations to other kin. No GEDmatch, no conclusions here.

AncestryDNA does offer a solution in the case of my atDNA match with H.H. by Rhonda Kavorkian: Christian Yockey & Maria Catharina Christ as MRCAs, but based only upon our listed trees & a dinky 6.5 cM shared segment.

My yDNA currently shows only one close match: Richard Muffley. Known MRCA = Niclaus Maffli/Muffley. My FTDNA Kit 170106 appears in a large miscellaneous group in the Swiss yDNA Project at  This, however, does not reflect the finding from a British lab that I am positive on the SNP marker S21, placing me in the subclade R1b1a1a2a1a1 in the 2017 classification by the International Society of Genetic Genealogy Germanic, not Celtic.